1. Best practice: Student Card and Mentoring system

Objectives of the Practice

  1. To create an informal informative association between mentor and mentee.
  2. To provide better guidance and support to the students’ needs.
  3. To provide teachers to build the overall personality of the student, who can contribute to nation building activities.

The Context

Considering the feedback received from mentees and their mentors, changes were made to the format wherein questions were more direct. Questions were asked across the six semesters as per their relevance to the students need for that semester or year. An attempt was made to get quantitative data for some questions, which could be used to make more meaningful decisions in future for student community at large.

The Practice

This is the three year of this practice since its inception in 2019-20. Student receives student card by their respective class coordinators . Two formal meetings with individual students or group of 45 students in a year is arranged by the institute wherein the students mention their academic background, interests and their aspirations and goals, family back ground and expectations from the college. In the next semester, another meeting with students is planned to know their experiences, evaluate their performance and ask suggestions for improving college facilities and functioning. The mentor looks at the attendance and performance of individual student and suitable measures are taken. Parents are intimated about their wards performance and separate parent meetings are held in chronic cases to report. Advance learners/good performers are advised to join student counsel and redressed cell, take up projects/internships, while the weak academic performers are instructed to participate in remedial coaching. Students are also encouraged to participate in literary, fine arts, performing arts and sports depending on their interest and talent. Students identified with personal difficulties and low selfesteem are guided to the counselling cell of the college. Depending on the year and semester questions asked reflect the need of students and appropriate response from mentor is expected. Mentor also note the information to certain question in qualitative format for its analysis.

Evidence of Success

This is an ongoing process for the student in his/her three years (six semester) duration in the college. The outcomes of this process can be evaluated both objectively and subjectively. For most students the academic progression has seen an upward trajectory suggesting better performance with every year. Examples of students can be cited wherein the progress has been phenomenal. Students grow in their values and better understanding of the subjects. Quantitative data was useful for some questions and the responses analysed will help students issues to some extent. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required Time to undertake this activity is an important factor for both the mentor and mentee to make the best of this process. With fixed meeting schedules every semester this factor is taken care but the number of students in large classes becomes a difficult task for mentor to have a strong hold over the students’ performance per se. To collate quantitative data for questions is also a tedious task for the mentors and better ways to accommodate the same has to be reconsidered.

2.Best practice: Plantation of the trees on the occasion of Staff Birthday.

Objectives of the Practice

  1. To boost morale and motivation of staff.
  2. To motivate students to celebrate birthdays in simple way and with values that can enrich our society.
  3. To maintain campus green.

The Context

Considering maintenance of healthy relations in colleagues and to indulge importance of individual by simple celebration of birthdays of staff with merge of valuable practice such as tree plantation that really need for life enrichment on earth.

The Practice

This is the second year of this practice since its inception in 2019-20. Each staff member on birthday plant at least one tree in the college campus. Celebrating staff birthdays create happy environment in campus and simple birthday celebrations boost morale and motivation of staff so college started celebrating birthdays from session 2019-20. The college merged simple birthday celebrations with valuable aspect of planting. On the occasion of birthday each staff of the college plant trees in the garden. This activity motivates students also to celebrate birthdays in simple way and with values that can enrich our society.

Evidence of Success

This is an ongoing activity in the college which ultimately helped in enriching flora and fauna of the area.

Number of butterflies increased which is indicator of sound habit and habitat to flourish ecosystem. Each person is fulfilled with feeling of doing great activity of creativity with simple celebration of birthday. Staff also takes benefits of plants planted by them. This activity is of great success creating happy environment , indulging values and increasing value of tree plantation among students. Till date about 65 plants have been planted by staff. Staff plant tree and each tree is labelled then by Botany Department of the institution. Different types of plant as ornamental plants, medicinal plants and some endangered plant species are planted by staff in remembrance of their birthdays.

3.Best Practice: Felicitation of staff as well as students

Objectives of the Practice

The organization of practice has one of the objective to recognize hard work and efforts of Principal, faculty members and students in the improvement of educational level of the Society and to encourage the students for their overall development.

  1. To support the staff and students for enhancing their academic as well as research interest.
  2. To motivate the excellent work of teaching, non-teaching staff and students.

The Context

Academic excellency is the power of college. It is maintained with the contentious efforts. Therefore the students of the college can meet the challenges. Education with values for National building is one of the priorities of the college. Most of the students of the college are from lower socio- economic background but having a good potential. This practice is organized to expose the students of good potential in different areas. Therefore the practice of felicitations of meritorious students of college leads to motivate the students and all staff for academic excellencies. In this context the college initiated the above practice.

The Practice

The felicitation programme were organised by the institution for excellent students in culture, sports and academic from session 2019-20.The programme is arranged in the alumni meet of the session 2019-20. The meritorious students of the college were awarded with excellence certificate as well as the memento for their achievement. The awards were distributed by Honrable principal, IQAC, all committee member of student progression as well as alumni association.

 Staff member from teaching as well as non-teaching department were also felicitated for their over all performance throughout the session. The staff member has been promoted for their professional development by institution. Excellence in academics, research, participation in administrative work, extra-curricular activities and over all social behaviour are the key criterion to evaluate the staff members. A certificate of excellence were awarded to best teaching as well as non-teaching staff member by Honrable principal and IQAC.

The impact of practice

Therefore the practice of felicitation of meritorious students of college leads to motivate the students and all staff for academic excellency and improve educational level of the society.

Evidence of Success

As a result of this activity the academic standard of the college as will as students found to be increased.

4.Best Practice: Foundation Class for PG-Entrance & other Competitive Examinations.

1. Goal or Objectives:-

  • To promote them for higher studies.
  • To provide guidance for various competitive examinations.
  •  To encourage students for enrolling in various examinations.
  •  To orient them for building good career.
  • Awareness on global competence.

2. The Context:-

Our college choose this practice as a best practice because we are running our college inextremely rural, backward & tribal area, where a studentcan’texplore themselves on theirown; they need proper guidance & direction to make their career. Hence we areimplementing this practice to provide all sorts of information & support to our collegestudents to develop & flourish them in all possible fields.

3. The Practice:-

Our college is regularly organizing “Foundation Classes” with respect to the various topic like; JAM, GATE, PET, NET, SET, UPSC etc. Expert faculties through their lecture and
presentation explain each & every details of the topics and try to inspire students to takepart in various competitive examinations examination.

4. Evidence of Success:-

Due to consistence effort of our college for promoting the students for various competitive examinations; our college students started enrolling their names in various competitions. Apart from prescribed books, students started searching books for various competitions. Students started asking questions, related to their queries like how & where to enroll for competitive examination. Students showing interest in solving question papers and very important our college students overcome with the problems of “Examination fever”

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:-

Following are the enlisted problems encountered for conducting this practice:-

  • Swing behavior of students.
  • Sometimes students lack self-confidence & self-determination.
  • Students ignore self responsibility towards college, family & society.
  • Being a rural & tribal area students lack proper primary & secondary education.
  • Also a big problem is the financial status of parents.

5.Best Practice:Book Donation by our College Staff Members

1. Goal or Objectives:-

  • To motivate stakeholder for Book Donation.
  • To increase number of books in our college library.
  • To increase the titles of various fields.
  • Students should develop the sense of donation.

2. The Context:-

Our college choose this practice as a best practice because, now a days we observed there is an over exploitation & utilization of digital platforms, most our stakeholders forgot the essence of books, they lack reading & writing skill and the whole lifestyle is changed.

3. The Practice:-

Our college staff members started donating various books to our college library so that students & other should use them as per their needs. Some staffs donated book on the occasion of their birthdays thus promoted good habit or good practice on their special day.

4. Evidence of Success:-

  • Till date our college library successfully received more than 384 books of various titles.
  •  Donating habits improve the lifestyle & make all the stakeholders more consciousness.

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:-

No problems were encountered, rather from such practice we increase the number of our book resources in our college library.

6. Best Practice 

 Promoting Institutional Innovation & Entrepreneurship Environment

  1. Goal or Objectives:-
  • To promote & motivate all stakeholders towards Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
  • To provide a platform for all stakeholders towards inventing something new.
  • To aware students to become an entrepreneur for their career advancement.
  • Enable environment with multiple level of supportive innovation and entrepreneurship for students and teachers.
  1. The Context:-
  • Our college choose this practice as a best practice because, now a days we observed that there is an immense inclination towards Innovation & Entrepreneurship, hence for the first time our college has formed “Institution Innovation & Entrepreneurship Committee” in the session 2022-23 and continued the same in session 2023-24.
  • In context to this InstitutionalInnovation & Entrepreneurship Committee (II&EC)our college has prepared Institutional Innovation & Entrepreneurship Policy under NISP and successfully uploaded in website.
  1. The Practice:-
  • InstitutionalInnovation & Entrepreneurship Committee (II&EC) organized “Awareness Program” on 21stApril 2023& Orientation cum Induction Program on 24th Aug 2023.
  • II&EC also organizing semesterwise meetings in order to discuss on various aspects.
  • Successfully prepared semester wise action plan and set benchmarkto fulfill the Goal.
  • Organized Guest Lecture on “Opportunities for Youth Entrepreneurs in India” on 14th Feb 2024.
  1. Evidence of Success:-
  • Received Certification of Rating, Certification of Establishmentof an Institution’s Innovation Council (IC202324113) in the campus& Letter of Appreciationto the Coordinator as per the norms of Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education Govt. of India.
  • Successfully Signed FIVE MOU’s Under Entrepreneurial Skill Development, Outcome Based Training & Placements and other Related Service.
  • Received Trophy for participating in “Financial literacy Mission” initiated by central Depository Services ltd.
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources required:-Separateinfrastructure, incubation facility, financial support, industrial or organizationalcollaborations and scarcity of other resources are some of the areas which create problems in establishing fruitful environme

7. Best Practice 

  Formation of Various Departmental Societies

  1. Goal or Objectives:-
  • To provide an opportunity for students in order to shared their views & ideas.
  • To motivate students for Leadership & Team Work.
  • To increase participation of students in various departmental activities.
  • To develop the sense& skill of managing financial matters.
  • To encourage students to shoulder some co-curricular responsibilities.
  1. The Context:-Every college,running various departmental activities throughout the session and various departmental faculties or staffs are continuously engaging themselves in such activities. So, if we form various departmental societies and nominate student members to run such societies by giving some responsibility &designation such as President, Secretary, Treasurer or even a Member of a society then definitely we can able to engage students& increase their participation in such activities.
  1. The Practice:-In our college, we are running three groups in B.Sc. i.e. CBZ, PCM & CS. We formed various Departmental Societies with respect to various subject thus we have Chemical society, Botanical society, Zoological society and PCM & CS society.
  1. Evidence of Success:- Various departmental programs like Study Tour, Departmental Guest lectures, Extension activities etc.were organized by the student members of the societies,most of the students get rid of stage daring. Anchoring, Management skills, Communication skills enhanced. Students successfully develop the sense of responsibility. They learnt to work as a leader or as a member of team. Also various financial transactions, expenditure details and balance sheets were made successfully by the student members of the societies.
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources required:-No problems were encountered, rather from such practice we successfully increase the number of student participation in various departmental activities and these students turned to be a good resource for such practice.