Department of Library & Information Sciences
Shankarlal Agrawal Science College, Salekasa
As we all know, Library is one of essential component of any educational institution. It is consisting of numbers of books and references & it is meant for supporting the students in their studies.
Hence, for increasing the power of knowledge among the students Shankarlal agrawal science college salekasa, tries to provide basic facilities of library, Also it is one of the growing academic libraries in Salekasa and Contributing a lot to the academic & social life as well as growth of its users.
Our Vision: – To act as a medium for perceiving overall Institutional goal by Supplementing Teaching Learning Process through learning resources.

Summary of library collection
- Text books.
- Reference books.
- Journals.
- E- Books.
- E- Journals.
- Periodicals.
- Newspapers & magazines.
Library services & facilities
- Lending & reference service.
- Wi-Fi connectivity for accessing E-resources.
- Newspaper clippings.
- Inflibnet service (included N-list) & Creating N-list Passwords for the Users.
- “A P J Readers club” for inculcating reading habit.
- User orientation program at the beginning of the session.
- Deposit scheme for Ex-students of the college.
- Display of Information in the notice board.
Features of the Library
- Best Reader Award.
- Book Exhibitions.
- Organizing Library Orientation Program.
Timings of library
- All working days from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
- Circulation Timings 9.30 a.m. To 3.30 p.m.
Rules of library
- It is essential to bring library card for Issue of Books.
- In case the card is lost, the student should immediately inform the librarian.
- A new card is issued after payment of a fine of Rs. 10/-.
- The deposited money is refunded only after return of issued books for Ex-students.
- Two books are issued for 07 days only.
- The condition of issued book is to be checked by the bearer; otherwise the bearer of the book will be held responsible.
- If a book is lost, the bearer has to pay the cost of the book or replace the book.
- Books can be reissued after 07 days only if
- The student applies for reissue before the due date of return.
- Someone else has not demanded the same books.
- Newspapers, magazines, reference books & CD/DVD are not issued.
- The students should keep their belongings at the property counter & they themselves shall be responsible for it.
- Use of mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited.
- Refreshments or foodstuff of any kind will not be allowed inside the library.
- Students should maintain discipline in the library.
- Any student found tearing pages or damaging the books shall be punished
- The staff member can get 10 books issued for one session.
- The librarian has the authority to recall a book at any time before its due date.
Links for Online Resources
- Directory of open Access Repositories (DOAR)
- Directory of open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Directory of Open Access Book (DOAB)
- Networked Digital Library of Theses And Dissertation (NDLTD)
- Shodh Ganga (Ph. D. theses)
- E-Gyankosh (Digital Repository for Distance Learning Inst. In the Country)
- Vidyanidhi (Indian Digital library of electronic theses)
- Connect us on Social Network